Monday, October 6, 2008

Building Foundation Forms

This video was taken yesterday on Sunday October 5, 2008. It shows the foundation forms are almost finished. Looking into the form one can see the reinforcing steel rods that we placed into the bedrock last week.

Just a quick up-date on what's happening over the past few weeks--

This past Monday, the footing for the colonnade was poured. we used 24 cubic yards of concrete. 9000 concrete blocks were delivered which the masons are beginning work this Thursday putting up the perimeter foundation walls. The foundation for the 12 major columns are near completion with Jim Smith and crew beginning to tie off the reinforcing steel rods. We plan to pour these large footings next week and we do mean large as some of the piers contain up to 3 cubic yards and weigh up to 12000lbs a piece. If the New England winter will hold off for another month, the foundation for the Vajra Hall will be complete.

Many Thanks to all the builders and individuals who contributed their labor and funding to the development up to this point!

1 comment:

Neil Murray said...


I like the compass rig type registration of the pier centers. Fast and accurate. Good video, hope you are doing stills too.

In June Jacqueline mentioned this blog so I can keep track of the project from Maine. Good to see all the boys in the video,
